Learn how to create landing pages that drive traffic and help bolster your main website.
There are many types of "web pages" on the internet. You have your typical web page that would be made up of your home page, service pages, blog pages, about me etc. These are typical web pages that we want to optimize on your website to bring traffic to you. This service would be called Onsite SEO or Website Optimization Services. Its were we basically optimize each page of your website for your keyword you are trying to rank for.
The next page as you will see below in the graphic is a PPC or Offsite landing page. This type of landing page is designed for three purposes only. 1) PPC Landing - Create a list of email addresses for future marketing purposes 2) to get them to purchase a product or service, and 3) Offsite Landing Page - designed to bring traffic to main website to help establish page/keyword authority.
Though sales pages are not the focus of this article, it is worth mentioning this type of page. Sales pages are very similar to landing pages but they scroll on for three miles. It is a redundant and long flowing page with videos, imagery, testimonials and large discounts if you buy right now. Then depending on whether you try to click off the page and or if you do make a purchase, you are then forwarded to page after page of harder and harder sales tactics or other one-time offers.
In this lesson we are going to learn how to create offsite landing pages that are designed to drive traffic using a re-direction tactic to your core services or products pages for the sole purpose of bringing relevance to your pages and backlink juice.
Climbing to the top of the search engines can be a very tedious task and converting those who do hit your site to make a sale can be even harder. Unlike your car, house or even your dog, getting insurance for lost revenue, declining page rank, increased bounce rate and lower conversion rates on your website is NOT going to happen in this digital life time. The only way to stay ahead of the never-ending and ever changing algorithmic curve of the search engines is to stay constantly proactive in keeping with the flow of information based on the needs of the viewers, or should I say "the opinion of the search engines" of what the viewers want.
We have all heard before ""Content is King" and that couldn't be more true. In comparison, content is your insurance policy. So we are on the same page, lets define content..
Onsite Content
Offsite Content
Now that we have established what content is, let me show you how to implement your own Offsite Landing Pages that will drive large amounts of traffic to your website and bring authority.
I am sharing a Landing Page Strategy with you that works for me time and time again. One of the first things I tell my clients to do is to create their core set of products or services (if you haven't already). Without your core services you can not properly drive people down the strategically planned path that leads to a sale.
Note: With products, this can be a tad more difficult due to the amount of products you may have. So in this Landing Page Creation Tutorial we are going to talk more about core services even though the methodology is the same with the sales of products.
Step 1) Defining your core set of services: This initial step is paramount in your overall SEO Landing Page Strategy. Its very important to get your core onsite services pages perfect. This is where conversion takes place. As a rule of thumb, you want to keep your core services to just a handful. You do not want your customers being overwhelmed and YOU DO NOT want to come across as the end-all-be-all service provider. Less is always more!
The Turn Group's Core set of Services are:
These are what we call our meaty pages and are the keywords we want to rank for. However, there are approximately 200 other various keywords variations with the terms "Joomla" we want to rank for other than those listed above. Now, if we had all the time and money in the world we would create Juicy, Meaty and Keyword Rich pages with lots of content for EVERY keyword term people search for with the word Joomla in it. However, this is really not practical. This goes without saying, but your core services pages need to be SEO optimized and built for conversions. We do not want to drive traffic to these pages and lose the customer.
Step 2) Finding the right place on the internet to start creating your offsite landing pages. Now this next part is tricky. We want to create landing pages that allow us to get a link back to our website without that link being stopped from passing link juice to our main core services pages. The first place I would start is setting up a quick and free landing page over at https://wordpress.com. You can quickly setup a landing page and start implementing your content with a back link to your core pages rather quickly. Here is our page: https://theturngroup.wordpress.com. We provide content and we have one link back to our main website. Our next recommendation is setting up a Wix website for a one-page landing page that will allow pass thru links from your Wix page to one of your main services pages.
Note: In the above "Offsite Content" list is the key. You are not limited to just creating offsite landing pages, you can use other peoples forums, social accounts, sponsored blog posts basically any format you can to drive traffic back to your core service pages.
Another example of a landing page we built is here: https://sites.google.com/a/theturngroup.com/joomla-web-design. The problem with this page is that after we created it, Google did an update and added the rel="nofollow" to the link so we lost the link juice that would have passed from Google to our website. So, we had to get creative and was able to create a quick landing page here: https://resources.joomla.org/item/the-turn-group. I could list landing pages we have created all day, but the take away is this. Your main website is the tip of your internet pyramid. And the tip of the pyramid is on the ground. We need to hoist it up to the top. Each landing page you create (that does not suppress your link with a "nofollow") is a supporting boulder underneath your website. Eventually with time and patience, you can build a solid foundation of landing pages that will drive traffic to your main website while simultaneously lifting your main website up within the search engines.
Step 3) Here are a few rules for each Landing Page you create. No matter the article type or placement, you need to follow the standard SEO practises for creating an article on the internet. You can find here on how to create a SEO optimized landing page. And my final note is, if you will look above you see to sets of columns. Offsite content and onsite content. You want to fully utilize the onsite content strategies and combine their use with your offsite landing page strategies. The article I linked to will show you how to do just that.
The goals of a Landing Page are 4 fold. These goals, if carried out correctly produce a main site supporting effect. As mentioned above, the Landing Pages are designed around your targeted keywords. If the page is setup correctly, it will provide the long-term click through to your main site which brings us to goal number one.
Goal 1) Expanding Internet Presence - By creating a network (web) of landing pages, your internet presence starts to grow. You are creating virtual doors into your business. With each landing page you create, you open another door to your business you did not have before, a back link to your main site and more authority over time. Creating dozens of these landing pages also provides "users that search you on Google" a big picture of your overall web presence. Instead of Googling you and only finding one website, they Google you and find review websites, landing pages, blog and forum posts etc.
Goal 2) Convert Visitors to Customers - Having your visitors follow through on an action whether that be by clicking a link, filling out an optin form, signing up for a newsletter, picking up the phone and calling you or purchasing a product or service is the next step. We convert visitors to customers by providing their exact need on our landing pages. Converting a visitor to a customer is done by providing something of value to take the next step in engaging with you.
Goal 3) Retention and Growth of Customers - Retaining your clients comes from the value that they get from the product or service offering. The best customer is the one that a) comes back and b) bring others with them. Your Landing Pages are what draws them in to your meaty pages, core services or products that you are driving them to, is really where they care going to get the true value. So make the value worth it.
Goal 4) Measure and Optimize - There are two ways to handle this step. You can do what I do with these specific designed Landing Pages and leave them be and use them only to pull in traffic from the keywords we chose, or you can monitor the hits they are getting, the bounce rates and make adjustments to them as necessary. There are many types and ways to build Landing Pages depending on your specific use for them. I personally do not monitor them anymore than to check the hits. I do not look for problems because there are just to many to keep track of if you follow my suggestions on quantity of these type pages.
Yes, I left out a lot of details and I did it intentionally. To walk you thru every single step of this process would make this already long blog post even longer. If you need help with the step by step process, you can always reach out to us and we can help you build a plan of action that will produce results. Good Luck.
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